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Tasting Notes

Ketel One Vodka invites you to experience its distinct flavor journey. The coal-fired copper pot stills and charcoal filtration contribute to the vodka's refined and clean character. On the palate, the taste unfolds with a crisp and smooth essence, showcasing the vodka's unique flavor profile. The strong finish leaves a lasting impression, revealing the vodka's craftsmanship and dedication to quality. The combination of meticulous distillation and filtration techniques results in a vodka that stands out for its smoothness, versatility, and ability to shine in a range of cocktails.

Ketel One Vodka 750ml

  • Ketel One Vodka is a distinguished and meticulously crafted spirit that embodies the art of traditional distillation and quality production. Distilled in coal-fired copper pot stills and meticulously filtered over loose charcoal, this vodka offers a unique flavor profile characterized by its crispness and strong finish. The attention to detail and commitment to excellence that goes into crafting Ketel One Vodka results in a smooth and versatile spirit that can be enjoyed on its own or as the foundation for a variety of cocktails.

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