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Tasting Notes

Embark on a sensory journey with Ketel One Citroen Flavored Vodka. As you bring the glass to your nose, be greeted by the enchanting notes of freshly cut lemon intertwined with a subtle hint of delicate honey sweetness. Upon the first sip, your palate is graced with a pleasant and silky softness that caresses the taste buds. The taste unfolds to reveal the vibrant and tangy flavor of sweet lemon zest, reminiscent of a sunny orchard. The finish is a harmonious symphony of flavors, as a sweet honey and lemony custard aftertaste gently lingers, followed by a satisfyingly long conclusion that leaves a lasting impression.

Ketel One Citroen Flavored Vodka 750ml

  • Ketel One Citroen Flavored Vodka is a masterful infusion of the finest natural flavors, meticulously crafted to capture the essence of zesty citrus. With a commitment to excellence, the Nolet family proudly presents this exquisite vodka, where the essence of freshly cut lemon and delicate honey sweetness unite to create an exceptional tasting experience. Ketel One Citroen is a testament to the art of distillation, as only the world's finest lemons and limes are sourced to ensure a premium and authentic flavor profile. From its enticing aroma to its smooth, refreshing finish, Ketel One Citroen invites you to indulge in the pure pleasure of citrus-infused vodka.

  • Enjoy fast and reliable shipping on all orders. We ensure your products arrive safely and on time, so you can start enjoying your purchase as soon as possible.

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