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Tasting Notes

  • Nose: Don Julio Reposado Tequila presents crisp agave aromas that are complemented by hints of citrus notes. Lemon, lime, and grapefruit nuances create a fresh and inviting bouquet that sets the stage for exploration.
  • Palate: The palate offers a light and sweet agave flavor that remains true to the heart of tequila craftsmanship. It is clean and pure, delivering a taste experience that is both approachable and refined.
  • Finish: The finish mirrors the palate with a light, sweet agave flavor. Subtle oak notes add complexity, while a smooth and spicy finish lingers briefly, leaving a satisfying conclusion to the tasting journey.

Don Julio Reposado 750ml

  • Don Julio Reposado Tequila is a testament to the art of aging and flavor development. Hand-selected by the distillers, this tequila showcases a unique profile that distinguishes it from others in the category. It is the result of aging select single cask barrels for a total of 10 months, allowing the spirit to develop rich and nuanced flavors that may vary slightly from barrel to barrel. Don Julio Reposado Private Cask Tequila is rich, distinctive, and wonderfully complex. It offers crisp agave aromas on the nose, blended with hints of citrus notes such as lemon, lime, and grapefruit. The palate and finish maintain a light, sweet agave flavor that is clean and pure. Subtle oak notes and a smooth, spicy finish contribute to its depth and character. This limited-edition reposado tequila is best enjoyed neat in a snifter or on the rocks for a classic and refined drinking experience.

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