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Tasting Notes

Don Fulano Blanco Tequila is celebrated for its purity and unadulterated agave essence. While specific tasting notes for this blanco tequila are not provided in the description, blanco tequilas are generally known for their crisp and vibrant character. Expect a tequila that showcases the true essence of the agave plant, with notes of earthiness, herbal undertones, and a subtle sweetness. Blanco tequilas are typically clear and unaged, allowing the natural flavors of the agave to shine through.

Don Fulano Blanco Tequila 750ml

  • Don Fulano Blanco Tequila embodies the essence of a family-owned company, rooted in five generations of AGAVEROS from the Highland region of Jalisco, Mexico. With their unwavering passion and deep connection to the agave fields, the Don Fulano Tequilas are the authentic result of their meticulous work, from cultivation to bottling, all meticulously performed on their estate. This tequila stands as a testament to their respect for their craft and the individuals who contribute to creating this exceptional spirit. Don Fulano acknowledges the immense responsibility they bear as one of the few guardians of a tradition that faces challenges such as the intrusion of multinational corporations, the substitution of artisanal methods with industrial processes, and the pressing issues of biodiversity, culture, and the preservation of authentic products.

    Don Fulano represents a small batch but global brand, driven by a genuine desire to share their products, culture, and knowledge with the world. They reject the deceptive marketing tactics driven by insatiable greed and instead champion sustainable development, preservation through education, and a strong sense of responsibility. A significant portion of Don Fulano's sales is dedicated to these essential causes, reflecting their commitment to making a positive impact.

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