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Tasting Notes

Ciroc Peach Vodka offers an enticing bouquet of aromatic peach notes that immediately captivate the senses. Upon the first sip, the taste experience unfolds with the luscious and sweet flavor of ripe peaches. The peach infusion is carefully balanced, allowing the vodka's inherent smoothness to shine through. Subtle undertones of other natural flavors further enhance the complexity of the profile, contributing to a well-rounded and satisfying taste sensation. The finish is both clean and elegantly smooth, leaving a lasting impression of the succulent peach essence.

Ciroc Peach Vodka 750ml

  • Ciroc Peach Vodka is a captivating and delectable addition to the Ciroc Vodka lineup. Crafted with the utmost attention to quality and taste, this vodka is a harmonious blend of the finest ingredients and natural flavors. The result is a spirit that encapsulates the essence of ripe peaches in an elegantly smooth and refreshingly unique profile. Ciroc Peach Vodka invites you to experience a taste journey that celebrates the lush and succulent flavors of this beloved stone fruit.

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