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Tasting Notes


Ciroc Honey Melon Flavored Vodka 750ml

  • Experience the essence of the changing seasons with CIROC Limited Edition Honey Melon Flavored Vodka. Crafted from French grapes and distilled five times, this spirit captures the vitality of spring and summer. Infused with the perfect blend of melon, honey, and natural flavors, it offers a uniquely smooth and luscious taste. Enjoy it simply over ice or elevate your sipping experience by mixing it with fruit juice or club soda.

    No matter the occasion, CIROC Limited Edition Honey Melon Flavored Vodka is a testament to the art of craftsmanship and the joy of indulgence. Embrace its alluring flavors, celebrate the seasons of warmth, and relish in the moments of pure delight. Remember to enjoy responsibly, sipping slowly and savoring the symphony of flavors that this remarkable spirit offers.

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