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Tasting Notes


  • Sweet Honey: The tequila presents a prominent note of sweet honey on the palate, offering a delightful touch of natural sweetness.
  • Toasted Oak: The aging process in oak barrels imparts toasted oak notes, adding depth and complexity to the flavor profile.
  • Vanilla: Vanilla undertones contribute to the tequila's creamy and smooth character, enhancing its overall richness.
  • Dried Fruits: Dried fruits add a layer of complexity, offering nuanced flavors that complement the sweet and oak-driven elements.

Cincoro Tequila Gold 750ml

  • Cincoro Tequila Gold is a premium tequila that exudes luxury and craftsmanship. This golden tequila boasts a lustrous appearance and is known for its exceptional taste and quality. With a focus on delivering a refined tequila experience, Cincoro Tequila Gold offers a harmonious blend of flavors that include sweet honey, toasted oak, vanilla, and dried fruits. These elements come together to create a tequila that is both indulgent and complex, making it a standout choice for those seeking a memorable drinking experience.

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